Penis enlargement: effective techniques

consultation with a specialist about penis enlargement

Men are often dissatisfied with the size of their manhood and are ready to do much to change the length or volume of the penis, but is it worth risking their health for this?

There are many penis enlargement techniques. All of these methods can be divided into surgical and non-surgical. Surgical operations include operations that allow you to change the length and thickness of the penis, and non-surgical operations include various types of self-massage, as well as the regular use of special devices.

Manual methods: massage, gymnastics, jelqing

Manual penis enlargement techniques such as massage and gymnastics are especially popular due to a number of advantages: they do not require an investment and can be performed independently at home. These techniques allow you to increase not only the length and volume of the penis, but also have a positive effect on potency, and also help to increase sexual stamina and thereby increase the duration of intercourse.

These methods of penis enlargement are based on actions such as stretching and squeezing, which helps to strengthen and enlarge the muscles of the penis, as well as to ensure better filling of the cavernous tissues with blood. If done correctly, these manipulations are absolutely safe. However, in order not to damage the organ and avoid discomfort, it is necessary to use a lubricant. If done regularly, the results will not be long in coming: after 1–2 months the penis will noticeably increase in length and volume.

One of the most popular types of hand-held penile massage is jelqing, which means milking in English. This is a set of certain exercises that must be done in a semi-excited state. It is worth noting that it is impossible to perform many of them in a state of full erection, since the vessels can be damaged.

Mechanical methods: extenders, stretchers, vacuum pumps

Among the mechanical methods of penis enlargement, special devices are especially popular: extenders, stretchers and vacuum pumps.

Using extenders and stretchers is one of the most effective methods for enlarging the penis. They are devices for lengthening, thickening and straightening the penis, which are attached directly to it. These attachments differ in design and attachment methods: the extender has two fixation points in the penile area, and the stretcher has one. However, the principle of their work is the same and is aimed at increasing the penis, which occurs due to prolonged exposure to the force of stretching on the cavernous body and ligaments of the penis. They must be used daily for 2-3 hours, gradually increasing the time. The general course is from one to several months. With the correct use of such devices, a noticeable increase in the length and volume of the penis occurs after a month of use.

Another principle of influencing the penis in order to enlarge it is vacuum. The pump used for this is also called a vacuum pump. It is also often used to improve potency and treat erectile dysfunction. This device has a simple design: the pump is attached to a sealed cylinder that contains the penis. Air is evacuated from the cylinder, creating a vacuum. This causes blood to flow to the penis, resulting in an increase in size and length. Special rings are placed in the lower part of the penis to maintain an erection. The increase in size is temporary, but lasts a long time, however, it is not recommended to use a vacuum pump for more than 20-30 minutes.

In many countries, operations to increase the length and thickness of the penis are planned to be banned. This is due to the side effects of surgery: infections, nerve damage, decreased sensitivity, and difficulty with erection. In addition, often the result does not live up to expectations. The European Association of Urology conducted a study: of 42 men who underwent penile lengthening surgery, only 35% were satisfied with the results.

Surgical methods: ligamentotomy and phalloplasty

Penile enlargement surgical methods are considered unsafe, but they are the most effective.

There are 2 types of operations: to increase the length of the penis and to increase its thickness. Ligamentotomy, or lengthening of a man's penis, is performed by cutting the supporting ligament of the penis - a ligament hidden under the pubis. During the operation, this ligament is cut as deeply as possible, which allows you to stretch the penis, increasing its length by 3-4 cm. However, so that the penis does not return to its normal state, after such an operation, it is recommended to use a stretcher that stretches the penis for several months or six months. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that a stretcher is suitable for this purpose, and not an extender, which, being attached to the base of the penis, will not give the desired result.

The increase in the thickness of the penis is called phalloplasty and occurs through the implantation of autologous fat, silicone or artificial grafts. Phalloplasty also includes operations to partially or completely restore the penis lost for any reason.